StickIt 3.0.6
StickIt is a Windows desktop sticky note application. Create notes and place them anywhere on your
desktop. The notes will stay where you leave them until they have been closed. The notes will even reappear
after rebooting your computer. You can customize your notes by choosing from a wide range of text
and background colors.
If you're on the same network as other StickIt users, you can create notes on their desktops. You can send
notes across other networks as well, but that requires that both StickIt users have properly opened port
1978 for UDP access.
Note: StickIt 3.0.0 (and beyond) is not compatible with older versions of StickIt.

Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit)
Latest Changes
- ADDED: CTRL+Enter can now be pressed at the StickIt Note Editor window to create/send a note.
- FIXED: "&" now properly displayed when used in note text.
- FIXED: StickIt tray icon was not reloading after Windows Explorer crashed.